And only Divinity
Can love you
The way you want to
Be loved
The way you need to, deserve to
Be loved.

And only Divinity
Can heal all your wounds
And coat it Its fragrant balm.
It can embrace all your karmas
And flaws,
Bathing your whole being
In the unconditional love and acceptance
Of Its full presence.
And Only Divinity
Is always here for you
To listen without any prejudice,
Let you express yourself fully
And encourage your voice flow,
Recognizing the sound of it
As the most wonderful music
That makes all our Universe grow.
And only Divinity
Can not be intimidated
With your success,
It will never ask of you
To do more or less.
It will empower you to grow
Even bigger
Even stronger,
Beg you to flow freely
And blossom
In your individuality…
Knowing Your power,
Knowing Its power.
And Only Divinity
Will never doubt,
Never question,
Always support.
Never judge,
Never leave.
Always stay,
Always love.
It won't ask,
Won't need,
Won't expect,
It will Be
And let you Be
Exactly who you are,
Whatever you feel like to be,
Knowing you behind of all this,
Knowing you are born free…
And Only Divinity
Can love you this way!
-For no man can do that.