With you leaving
Drowning in the ocean
Of shoulds and woulds
Full of expectations
And given obligations
Sight blurred
With projected sense of Oneness
Brought by infatuation
I befriended Mother Earth.
Found birds chirping
Animals playing
Trees existing
Spring blooming
In the deepest consolation...
With you leaving
I think
All your lifetime I was there
No time, no space
When my room was dark
In your life,
With you leaving
I befriended myself
And here, in my heart
Is where I once again
Found my best friend!
I met One
Always caring
Always listening,
Appreciating me
For who I truly am.
Loving my strenghts
And deepest wounds,
A friend
Willing and able
To sit with me
And pray
When life hurdles
For a moment
Took my happiness away. ..
With you leaving
I keep asking: "Who are you?"
I don't know.
It must have been
Out of my sight
You've pretty much grown...
Me, being just one of the memories
You mindlessly thrown.
If it serves you
Then we're invited to forget
No more turning around,
No more karmic debt...
With you leaving,
I found Universe in me
Carrying me through every storm
Having the time of my life
With myself,
The best friend I've ever known!
With you leaving
I am sorry, my dear
I was no able to forgive
But that doesn't mean
I invited anger
Beetween us, to live....
As I see forgiveness coming my way
I know!
No negativity is here, to stay...
With you leaving
I am finding my broken heart
Prefectly whole again
Blooming in the Vast Kindness
No space in it
For anger
Only unconditional love and gratitude
For all the blessings
I've already get!
With you leaving
I must say
Having you in my life
Was one of the greatest gifts from the Divinity!
The two us,
Being united,
In Infinity...
What we had
Is unbreakable, eternal
It will remain in me
Always and forever
Like a dream
The most beautiful memory
From the Sisters Heaven!

Farewell, My Friend!
Are we come
To The End?